Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas in Connecticut 2010

Andrew and I do our own little Christmas before we leave to go celebrate it with our families.  It's something we started when we got married.  We always open our stockings together beforehand.  This year we didn't have a lot of money to spend on presents so I suggested we try something new.  I suggested we spend about $20 on each other and then do what I deemed a "wish Christmas."  In my mind, a wish Christmas was putting together a list of things we knew the other person wanted and that we would love to give to the other person if we could, but that just weren't feasible for this year (and may not be feasible for several years, depending).  Essentially, we were saying to each other, "I wish this for you, and hope that one day I can give it to you."  It actually turned out to be quite a touching Christmas for each of us because it required more thought than, say, just going to the store and buying something.  So, here are some pics of our Christmas with each other and our wishes . . .

Andrew and his stocking

Sarah and her stocking

yep, even Tanner gets a stocking!

Andrew and some of his presents

Sarah and her presents

Sarah's wish list from Andrew - I especially like 3 and 4!

Andrew's wish list from Sarah

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